Friday 7 May 2010


I think I have done very well over all and have made an interesting high quality animation for my first ever animation video.

Reguarding my time management, I think that I could have spent more time on the actual animation to raise the quality that of the models.
This was made difficult due to the other assignment I had due in this semmester. I have also been animating and editing right to the last week before the due date when I could have been finished earlier.

I deviated from my story boards slightly. I added in some dialogue scenes and removed the scene with the stag and horse fighting, and the hunter putting the saddle and bridle on the horse.
I think my shooting scene which was my main scene came out more or less than I imagined. And apart from a few skinning issues I was very happy with it. I animated this scene twice due to the first attempt being terrible once I really took time to watch it.

I have learnt a lot during this assignment this semmester. I have gained new important techniques that I will need to use later in life.
I have also learnt that organic models are not only very difficult to model realistically, but also extremely hard to animate convinceingly.

If I were able to do this assignment again, I would spend more time skinning and more time on the assignment as a whole. I would also add in some more complicated scenes to show off my modelling and animation.

Overall I thourghly enjoyed this assignment and feel I have learnt a lot. It doesn't feel like work at all but more like a hobby. I think the skills and techniques I have accquired will prove to be very important for my hopeful career in this area of media.

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